A few weeks back we asked for suggestions for The Ingredients of the Day, one of our favorite parts of the local food fest we’re sponsoring this fall called Eat Drink Local week. Each day of the fest — running September 26th to October 6th, with help from Edible East End, Edible Brooklyn, Edibles statewide and GrowNYC — will promote one specific regional food or drink. Our partner restaurants, bars and markets will be featuring em, hopefully you’ll be testing em out at home, and we’ll be talking about em in detail in our ongoing series of profiles on farmers, chefs, cooks, gardeners and other local food wonders.
The goal of all this (also meaning our EDL week heirloom vegetable auction, wine tastings, lectures, garden tours, farm to table dinners and other events) is two-fold: To celebrate awesome seasonal edibles, many of which are under-appreciated, and also to create more demand citywide for a local product — think of it as an ingredient-mob — if only for one night. And so, behold our master list:
Eat Drink Local Week Ingredients of the Day
Sunday: Clams
Monday: Whole grains
Tuesday: Brown ales & lagers
Wednesday: Duck
Thursday: Concord grapes
Friday: Rose & Riesling
Saturday: Cauliflower
Sunday: Farm stand cocktails
Monday: Squash
Tuesday: Dairy
Wednesday: Apple cider
Extra-Special thanks to these readers, who suggested several of these good things and will be getting a free year’s subscription to Edible Manhattan: Dan McGurn (“clams rule!”); Seth Gordon (“nothing like the smell of a duck roasting in the oven, the skin gettin’ all crackly and crisp”); Sarah (for concord grapes); Sara (for cauliflower); S. Orlow (for squash “whats more great-from-New York-in-the-fall than that?”); GAH (apple ciders); and Benny Radjasa for dairy products, who noted that “by using value added dairy product like cheese, we can hope that we raise the standard of living in some of the poorest counties in the U.S. by infusing it with jobs and revenue.” You’ll hear more from Benny on dairy day, for sure.